Friday, September 26, 2008

Consolidation Stage, Living In Jakarta Part 2

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Stage Of Jakarta Life:
Consolidation Stage Part 2

Tension Release:
The release of tension built up during this Consolidation Stage is by some or all of the following:

The greatest obstacle to a happy and well adjusted group is the difference in cultural and intellectual levels of its members. Some would say an even more significant obstacle is intolerance to those differences. Of necessity group conversation centres around topics that can be discussed by all. These topics are so often other community members. Popular also are Office, the parents at school, the teachers and then back to Office. According to popular Jakarta urban philosophy if your section is not being talked about then you must be doing a good job.

We all like to have an occasional grumble in response to some vague sense of dissatisfaction about things generally. It is a simple and usually safe way of letting off steam but gossip can be hurtful, damaging, grossly inaccurate and a blow to morale.

It is far better for dissatisfaction to be deflected to a vague impersonal distant organization which cannot fight back anyway rather than to a community member. Gossip damages relationships, destroys trust and brings misery to those unable to see it for what it is. With gossip you should remember you may not be in possession of all of the facts when criticising a decision or policy. It is just possible that you are wrong.
To help reduce gossip levels ensure you are involved in a spread of activities with a range of people to help create other talking points. Get involved in an executive capacity in one of the clubs in place Jakarta.
Be tolerant of minor imperfections or upsets in the system. Keep in mind there are special difficulties with supplies, communications and organization in Jakarta.
Do it yourself rather than repeat "wouldn't you think someone. would.....".

Food Needs
Food is often a gratification for tension expression and a psychological compensation for other deprivations in Jakarta. Weight gain is common in Jakarta –often a 10kg post. Adequate and appropriate food choice is essential for emotional gratification hence the role of and common discussion of the restaurants, supermarkets and domestic cooks in Jakarta is important.
Residents with particular food interests or uncommon dietary preferences may be particularly irritated by the reasonable but restricted food choice.

Alcohol can be a great tension reliever. Its consumption is a social oil. Alcohol can be one of the pleasures of a civilized society. It is an important source of weight gain. The consumption of alcohol in Jakarta is quite significant. 
The opportunity, availability and temptation to drink alcohol is very high and more so in those who attend many embassy functions. If you have an alcohol problem then Jakarta may not be the place for you.

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